We at AllEarth Renewables are proud of our long history of advocacy for net metering for all Vermonters. For years now, our legislative and regulatory efforts have focused on the benefit that net metered solar and other renewable energy projects bring to Vermonters, to the state as a whole and to the broader world. This is not always an easy fight. Net metering rates are set in Vermont by the three person Public Utility Commission (PUC), which reviews and resets those rates in even numbered years.
While the PUC net metering rule is pretty complicated, the bottom line is that the PUC decides how close your net metering rate should be to the retail residential rate that your utility charges you on your monthly bills. These up or down changes are called “Adjustors” in the legalistic language of the Rule. (If you’d like to look at it rule, you can find it here.)
During the last few of these rate setting proceedings, the PUC has moved the Adjustors downward so that the compensation for new net metering projects is lower and lower in relation to your utility rate. (Don’t get us going on how the rules allow net metering Renewable Energy Credits to have a negative value!)
In the latest 2024 net metering rate setting proceeding at the PUC, AllEarth Renewables alone took the position that there should be no downward “adjustors” to those rates. (You can see our filing here.)
While the PUC did not agree with our position, and in fact worsened the downward net metering rate Adjustors from two cents to four, there are two short term things you can do:
1. Get in touch with us no later than July 24, 2024 and we’ll get your AllEarth dual-axis Solar Tracker registered by July 31, 2024, and you will get the current better rate;
2. Take advantage – and help others take advantage – of our time-limited referral program in which you get $250 for a successful referral to us, and the person you refer will get the same amount upon purchase of a Tracker. (This is per Tracker!) Here’s the link to get started.
We’ll be back with another post soon around the important advocacy work we can do together to ensure that all Vermonters have meaningful access to Vermont-scale solar energy and its benefits. But in the meantime, take the above steps now and you’ll be glad you did. July 31st is coming up fast!