We now have two RePowered solar trackers, maintained and installed by AllEarth. We have chosen solar to supply much of our electrical consumption because: 1) the payback period on our investment is reasonable, 2) we get prompt and knowledgeable service during the occasional events that require attention, 3) a major portion of our electrical consumption is provided by our trackers, including our 2 electric cars as well as my boat shop, and, 4) it’s just the right thing to do during a period of drastically increasing climate warming. We want people to notice our trackers and hope they will reach the same conclusions that we have.
Want to learn more about AllEarth’s solar products or solar solutions? To get started give us a call at 802.872.9600, reach out by email at sales@allearthrenewables.com, or show us your interest by filling out the “Get Started” form below: