No, that’s not the version you’ve seen on t-shirts and bumper stickers all these years. But in a ruling with major consequences, the US Supreme Court has today issued a ruling that significantly limits the ability of the EPA to regulate carbon emissions from power plants. The 6 to 3 ruling in West Virginia vs. Environmental Protection Agency, coupled with inaction on federal renewable energy legislation, leaves little hope for federal solutions in the near term.
As passionate climate advocates and Vermont-scale manufacturers of renewable energy systems, we at AllEarth are saddened—though not shocked—by this news. We are, however, undeterred.
We’ve talked in the past in these blogs about the need for activism, and that need is now even greater and MUST combine local, immediate grassroots efforts and actions while the federal side of things remains stagnant. State-level legislative reform is currently our best hope. Ask hard questions of the candidates for the many legislative and statewide positions at stake in the fall elections. What will the candidate DO in concrete terms to get more renewable energy built now? What steps will they take to restore strong incentives for Vermont solar arrays and other renewable sources? Do they understand that our electric grid must be upgraded to meet future demands, and how would they go about achieving it? How will they go about making appointments to energy-related state cabinet and other high-level positions?
At AllEarth, we’re all in, and suspect you are too. Thank you, and onward!
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