Vermont Solar Questions For The Candidates

With the 2022 Vermont primary elections just a week away, it’s a great time to ask candidates some specific questions about their renewable energy commitment and knowledge. Let’s break through the cynicism of today’s fractured political world and trust their sincerity when candidates tell us that they support Vermont community solar, net metering and meeting the requirements of Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act.

But let’s also ask the harder questions that have to be answered to get things done. Here are a few:

  • Do you have an understanding of the system of tax credits and how they impact our strategies for renewable energy for municipal and non-profit entities?
  • Are you aware of the challenges around permitting of solar and other Vermont renewable energy projects, and what are your specific ideas in that regard?
  • What do you think Vermont’s elected officials should do legislatively to ensure that all have fair and just access to use of renewable, Vermont-generated energy?
  • When you say you support Community Solar, what do you mean? Like love or happiness, the term means different things to different people.
  • What Vermont renewable energy ideas do you have that the rest of us may not have considered?

No doubt you have many more questions and thoughts. Ask away!

Want to learn more about AllEarth’s various solar solutions? To get started give us a call at 802.872.9600, reach out by email at, or show us your interest by filling out the Get Started” form below: