Solar Energy in Vermont: Build Forward Better!

When it comes to big change, our small state doesn’t let federal logjams get in the way of solar progress.

Our work in combatting the climate crisis often doesn’t flow smoothly, as we see in events to date around the federal Build Back Better legislation. What matters, though, is not how we get there in this work, but that we do get there.

We can put our energy into discouragement, or we can put it into getting renewable solar energy projects in the ground here in Vermont. What does it take? Strong advocacy, “walking the walk” with solar installations at our homes and businesses, and understanding that renewable energy projects must be part of our Vermont working landscape if we are to have that landscape at all.

Even as longtime renewable energy advocates, we at AllEarth will confess to having some discouraging moments when elected officials and other policymakers don’t seem to get it. But as daylight hours grow in this new year, lifting solar energy production and our spirits, we are more committed than ever to our work in providing smaller-scale solar solutions for Vermonters.

Whether Build Back Better makes it or not, Vermont can and should Build Forward Better and lead by example.

Want to learn more about AllEarth’s various solar solutions? To get started give us a call at 802.872.9600, reach out by email at, or show us your interest by filling out the Get Started” form below: